Extended Hand Outreach Program This is the flagship program. This program examplfy what we're truly about.. Extended hand bring people together for one common goal. To provide access to basic necessities
The Hope Empowering & Leadership Development Program (EDL) provides an outlet for personal and social development as a mechanism to deter unproductive decision-making from students.
The passback program is a very import program of the acadmey. This program servves both the US and Africa. The program allocate slightly use material or products such as electronic product(computers, Ipads) clothing, shoes, sports equipment, school supplies
The Empowering, development and leadership (EDL) provides an outlet for personal and social development as a mechanism to deter unproductive decision-making from students.
What is a safespace? The Safespace is an evironment or place where kids can go and play sports or just hang out with friends or family can go to relax and not feel fear of violance or any form of supression also is the renovation of space in a neighborhood that can be turn into a playgrand for kid to play.
Elite pro training is a high level youth training program for elite athletes in the US. This program serves as very imporrtant funrasing arm of the academy. 90% of the fee are use to fund uhuru programs in the US and Africa.
Sponsors and Major Donors
The International S.C
The Nanchoff family
Glidden Paint
The Smith Foundation
The Cook family
The Potorek family.
“Too many have dispensed with generosity in order to practice charity.” — Albert Camus