The Empowering, development and leadership (EDL) provides an outlet for personal and social development as a mechanism to deter unproductive decision-making from students.

The purpose of this program is to increase self-awareness/self-esteem, for middle and high school graduation rates, leadership qualities, community involvement, etc.

Our purpose is achieved through four components of mentoring ship

Ssocial development Life skills, and Community involvement. At present, ED&L consists of the College Bound and Leadership initiatives.

All participants engage in a weekly individual mentoring session for a minimum of 30 minutes. This gives the participant an opportunity to discuss with their mentor core issues they are dealing with personally, at school, home, or within their community. 

Participants also engage in a weekly peer group session to discuss issues based on their day to day challenges and concerns. The weekly group sessions will also contain life skills training in the areas of cultural diversity, health & fitness, sex, sexuality, and leadership, along with, financial literacy, and community outreach.New Paragraph

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